Life at Homerton

Created by Priscilla 2 years ago

I first met Annie in 1962 when we arrived in Cambridge in September. We were in the same house in Hills Road - number 189 - opposite the college. She was such fun - she shared a room with Jackie Lawn (Webb) - I shared with Jan Ryan (Brown)- Cambridge in the 60’s was a marvellous place to be - How lucky we were.  I remember Annie had a husky voice and entertained us with a rendition of Ave Maria! - at least I think it was that? She was always  loyal and utterly real and authentic - we met her lovely mum on several occasions . She came to a party here at our house, in the 80’s when I discovered that the headmaster of the school I was teaching at, Mike Hodgson, was a long time friend of one of Annies boyfriends - Ron Gibson!🤗 Later we had a reunion at Homerton - all of us woke up in the morning with sore throats, having talked non stop the previous evening. After this, she was so very kind to give a donation to our profoundly disabled grand daughter towards a new piece of equipment to help her -  I will never forget this or her, for her generous spirit , her warmth, and her wonderful way with children. She will remain in my heart and will be such a sad loss for all of you - her family - be very proud of your brave mum.